What is PeopleChatting.com?

PeopleChatting.com will start out free but then become a paid site where people chat about various topics. Those who join before a fee is imposed will never have to pay.

Why is there a membership fee?

All communities are subject to trolls and spammers, and in an effort to reduce this, we impose a fee.

How much does it cost?

The price of a membership increase as the number of users increases. Once you sign up, your price will be locked for the life of your account, and will not increase.
Current price: $0.00 for one year membership

Why does the fee increase as the number of users increases?

As a community grows, the quality of the community takes a toll, as seen in sites like digg and reddit. In an effort to counter this, and ensure that early adopters and new members value their membership, the membership will be treated as an asset, growing in value as the community does.

All members are equal.

There are no moderators amongst members. As proven time and time again, majority of individuals with power, eventually become abusive, and as a result, the community takes a toll. Instead, all members have the power and responsibility to report and potentially remove members who jeopardize the integrity of the community.


Breaking any of the following rules will get your account DELETED PERMANENTLY
  • Be respectful and civil
  • Conversations should be objective when conversing about opposing views
  • Do not push your opinion on to anyone
  • No Spamming
  • Do not Maliciously report anyone
  • You must report individuals who are breaking the rules


  • It is your responsibility to maintain the integrity of this community, you must report rule violators!
  • By signing up, you are indicating you have read the terms and conditions of this site.